Colors of life, all of them, white for peace, red for anger, green for growth, yellow for knowledge, blue for a little evil or poison. Everyone has it, everyone has a heart too, which always seems to dominate. You cant hide it, neither can you stop getting hurt. The blood always flows out of heart throughout its life, just as we keep getting hurt. If blood stops flowing out of heart, life diminishes. Try concentrating on flowing blood, other colors will get blurred up. You end up loosing more blood and less time to enjoy. Instead, ignore the flow and concentrate on other colors of life. Life is much more then 'the RED'! Though RED always dominates, but it is most effective when you ignore it.. how easy it is? look at the painting again.. its hard! :)
Lost in some ambiguous thoughts about how we see life is, and how it actually is. I got stuck in between. Confused in desolation, lost by my own self. Here is something I came up with, which is 50% complete but still gives a sense of relief and joy to me since it helped, it was a soother indeed!
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