Monday, April 6, 2009

A Real Friend . . .

A real friend can't always make you smile..

Sometimes the words from a real friend will be angry and make you mad.
Sometimes a real friend will hurt and make you sad.
Sometimes a real friend will question your motives.
Sometimes a real friend won't tell you words you want to hear.
Sometimes a real friend will be gone when you need them


A real friend will tell you when you're wrong.
A real friend will ultimately understand when you need to be quiet.
A real friend will understand when you need to cry.
A real friend will still be beside you when you've been less than you can be.
A real friend will love you despite the disagreements.
A real friend comes from the heart, not from mere words.

A real friend can't always make you smile
but when you need one,
they'll be happy to share ones of theirs.

But one question i want to ask all of you
do we have A real friend?
And if we do have A real Friend . .
Tell me where are they?

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