Friday, January 23, 2009

Obama's victory - 5 principles

There is a lot to learn from Obama's historic run for the US presidency. Obama followed certain principles to accomplish his goal and they are no different from those required to build enormous wealth. The principles reflected his personal strengths.

Here is a summary of the five principles that were crucial to Obama's victory which could bring you success:

1. Goal-orientation

The importance of setting and working toward goals is obvious. If you don't know where you are going, it's difficult to get there.
Obama used this principle to his advantage and was very clear about his goal, his plan and his strategy to achieve the goal.

2. Organisation

Being organised can make you more productive. It can ensure that all issues pertaining to your goals are addressed.
Obama said that he wanted to run the campaign like a business. In a good business, the customer is king. Early on, before it had the resources to do much else, the campaign outsourced a customer-service centre so that anyone who called, at any hour of the day or night, would find a human voice on the other end of the line.

3. Creativity

Creativity is a challenge. So are creative solutions.
Obama's Chicago headquarters made technology its ompanion from the onset of the campaign. Not just for fund raising. In state after state, the campaign turned over its voter lists to volunteers, who used their own laptops and the unlimited night and weekend minutes of their cellphone plans to contact every name and populate a political organisation from the ground up.

4. Discipline

Discipline is required in all facets of your life. A key to Obama's success was a consistent team, a circle of people who were collaborative and non-defensive.

5. Hard work & smart work

Obama was very clear from the beginning that he had to have a grassroots level backing. He laid down three principles in this regard:
~Run the campaign with respect ~Build it from the bottom up ~And finally, no drama.

It was a blend of hard and smart work that created the miracle for Obama.

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